The Clemen Parrocchetti Archive has been established in 2017. With the AIM to study, enhance the value and promote the work of Clemen Parrocchetti (1923-2016); Clemen's artistic period started off in the 50s and went up to the early 2000s; the period includes different artistic language. When cataloging the artist's work, the Archive aims to cluster the various thematic and research topics which were developed by Clemen Parrocchetti during her long and creative artistic journey. More SPECIFICALLY, the Archive has developed a database and performed a study of the artwork; this has been sponsored by a scientific committee; the Archive has also devised a conservation and collection plan for the artist's works and other relevant documents which are not included in the Archive. The Archive also promotes cultural initiatives by leveraging the museum house dedicated to Clemen Parrocchetti, that is the Borgo Adorno castle. The goal is to enhance the value of the artistic career and promote the knowledge of the artist.
Antoniotto Guidobono Cavalchini
Scientific director
Marco Scotini
Scientific consultant
Martino Guidobono Cavalchini
Technical consultants
Ilaria Guidobono Cavalchini, Piccarda Guidobono Cavalchini
Headquarters and contacts
Borgo Adorno
Cantalupo Ligure (AL)
Tel. 3382162246